Help yourself by helping the web spiders index your site. Give web spiders directions on making their way around your site, and they will more easily pull up your page due to keywords. A site map is a good tool to help a web bot find your pages.
Using keywords as anchor text is an easy way to kill two birds with one stone. If you use generic text like "click here" for your links, search engines might think your site is about clicking here, rather than cat food. Selecting the optimum keywords to use in anchor text will really get you noticed by the crawling spiders.
Check out the competitions' HTML code. This gives you information about how they use SEO on their website, and which keywords they use. Don't plagiarize what they do, but do take hints from it for your own plan.
Search engine spiders do not understand URLs in the same way people do. You want to remember this when you create your URLs. References to page numbers and sessions will only confuse the spider. Therefore, you should come up with a relevant name for each URL. It is also important to include a keyword, as well.
Make your content better to boost page rank. Visitors won't keep coming back if they can't find what they came to your site to get. Having good content is a crucial step in driving traffic to your site.
Having a site map will make it easier for search engines to index your pages.. The site map, or navigation bar, lets the search engines access your pages from all other pages on the site. No site is too small to benefit from having a site map.
Videos along with a video sitemap can increase your site's SEO. Videos can be used to introduce yourself or jasa seo your staff or to demonstrate the use of a product. Add keywords to the embed codes, and add it to your site. Build a video sitemap and submit it. Then, post it on Metacafe, Yahoo, YouTube, and other popular video sites. This will attract a large amount of new customers.
Consider advertising products through podcasting. Podcasts are audio or visual content, can be streamed live, and contain information in which the customer is interested. Taking advantage of the growing popularity of podcasts is as easy as grabbing a webcam or other video or audio recorder. You will then have descriptions of the podcasts show up in search engines.
Javascript within your page is an option, though not all search crawlers handle it well. Java use is something a website owner will have to think about, but be sure you know that a search engine will see your site differently because all crawlers take in different information.
Utopian ideals don't help anyone today. So learning the way it works and what you can do to harness that power is important. Make this tips your own so you can ensure the success of your SEO strategies.